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libusb and phidgets

I'm trying to get the Phidgets library working under NetBSD.  Phidgets are
a variety of USB devices that provide "sensing and control from your PC"
(per their website)

I've managed to get the library and an example to compile, but it can't seem
to pick up the RFID reader that I've plugged in.  This seems to be because it 
shows up as a uhid device instead of
a ugen:
uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0
uhidev2: Phidgets Inc. PhidgetRFID, rev 1.10/2.03, addr 2, iclass 3/0
uhid0 at uhidev2: input=7, output=4, feature=0

and libusb on NetBSD doesn't support enumerating all USB devices, only ugen
ones.  So, my question is: why is that?  Is there some reason that it's a bad
idea to have libusb return all USB devices, or is it just that noone has
implemented it?

Also, I noticed that one of the ioctl's that is done, a USB_GET_DEVICE_DESC,
isn't available for uhid devices.  Shouldn't it be possible to get the device
descriptor for *any* connected USB device?  Is this just another case of noone 
has implemented it?


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