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stale depends [was Re: tmux build failure]

On 8/18/11 3:51 PM, wrote:
new failure:

#      link  tmux/tmux
--sysroot=/usr/src/obj/destdir.amd64     -o tmux  arguments.o attributes.o 
cfg.o client.o clock.o cmd-attach-session.o cmd-bind-key.o cmd-break-
pane.o cmd-capture-pane.o cmd-choose-buffer.o cmd-choose-client.o 
cmd-choose-session.o cmd-choose-window.o cmd-clear-history.o cmd-clock-mode.o 
cmd-command-prompt.o cmd-confirm-before.o cmd-copy-mode.o cmd-delete
-buffer.o cmd-detach-client.o cmd-display-message.o cmd-display-panes.o 
cmd-find-window.o cmd-has-session.o cmd-if-shell.o cmd-join-pane.o 
cmd-kill-pane.o cmd-kill-server.o cmd-kill-session.o cmd-kill-window.o cm
d-link-window.o cmd-list-buffers.o cmd-list-clients.o cmd-list-commands.o 
cmd-list-keys.o cmd-list-panes.o cmd-list-sessions.o cmd-list-windows.o 
cmd-list.o cmd-load-buffer.o cmd-lock-server.o cmd-move-window.o c
md-new-session.o cmd-new-window.o cmd-paste-buffer.o cmd-pipe-pane.o 
cmd-refresh-client.o cmd-rename-session.o cmd-rename-window.o cmd-resize-pane.o 
cmd-respawn-pane.o cmd-respawn-window.o cmd-rotate-window.o cmd
-run-shell.o cmd-save-buffer.o cmd-select-layout.o cmd-select-pane.o 
cmd-select-window.o cmd-send-keys.o cmd-send-prefix.o cmd-server-info.o 
cmd-set-buffer.o cmd-set-environment.o cmd-set-option.o cmd-show-buffer
.o cmd-show-environment.o cmd-show-messages.o cmd-show-options.o 
cmd-source-file.o cmd-split-window.o cmd-start-server.o cmd-string.o 
cmd-suspend-client.o cmd-swap-pane.o cmd-swap-window.o cmd-switch-client.o cmd
-unbind-key.o cmd-unlink-window.o cmd.o colour.o environ.o grid-utf8.o 
grid-view.o grid.o input-keys.o input.o job.o key-bindings.o key-string.o 
layout-custom.o layout-set.o layout.o log.o mode-key.o names.o opti
ons.o options-table.o osdep-netbsd.o paste.o resize.o screen-redraw.o 
screen-write.o screen.o server-client.o server-fn.o server-window.o server.o 
session.o signal.o status.o tmux.o tty-acs.o tty-keys.o tty-term.
o tty.o utf8.o window-choose.o window-clock.o window-copy.o window.o xmalloc.o 
xterm-keys.o imsg-buffer.o imsg.o strtonum.o -levent -lterminfo -lutil -lm      
 -Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/src/obj/destdir.amd64/lib  -L=/
x86_64--netbsd-gcc: arguments.o: No such file or directory
x86_64--netbsd-gcc: cmd-respawn-pane.o: No such file or directory
x86_64--netbsd-gcc: options-table.o: No such file or directory

That's... strange. These files are new and should be in the repository. Try updating the tree and rebuilding. If that does not work, try cleandir into tmux and rebuild (but that might end up hiding a real problem).

What is your build command line? What other flags/environment variables are you using that may affect the build?

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