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Re: libusb and kith....

On Thu, 28 Jul 2011, Martin Husemann wrote:
I think one change is the ability to detach a driver and to reattach ugen.
So, for instance, detach uaudio and attach ugen. This sort of thing is
pre-requisite for USB over IP products which I'd love NetBSD to support.
Is another option to have the ugen ioctls work on uaudio (or everything usb
actually) instead? Detach is easy, but re-attaching ugen is not quite.
Fallthrough ioctls? Possibly, but most software seems to be hardwired to 
enumerate ugen device nodes when looking for something to attach to.
Can somebody give a mostly complete list of such issues?
Of course, the HPS USB stack includes a libusb 1.0 implementation...


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