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Re: current snapshot cannot mount / from CD

Actually since rev 1.918 (2008/11), the GENERIC kernel does support any file-system other than FFS and NFS.
On the amd64 cd image I don't see any modules.
Hmmm, I see modules on the amd64 iso image:

{17} vnconfig vnd0 release/iso/amd64cd.iso
{18} mount -t cd9660 /dev/vnd0d /mnt
{19} ls /mnt/stand/amd64/5.99.52/
{20} ls /mnt/stand/amd64/5.99.52/modules/
accf_dataready    compat_linux      ksem              scsiverbose
accf_httpready    compat_linux32    layerfs           secmodel_bsd44
acpiacad          compat_netbsd32   lfs               secmodel_overlay
acpibat           compat_ossaudio   mfs               securelevel
acpibut           coredump          miiverbose        smbfs
acpicpu           coretemp          miniroot          solaris

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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