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Re: ''
Tom Spindler wrote:
On Wed, 7 Jul 2010, Martin Husemann wrote:
I think Thor just fixed it, thanks!
Indeed he did. Yay Thor.
Maybe for a little bit, but then something else happened. In the
midst of a pserver-facilitated update, I saw:
update aborted: No such tag: pkgsrc-2010Q2
Or something like that, it's since scrolled off the terminal and out of
the buffer. On subsequent attempts, I'd get:
update aborted: End of file from server.
So, it looks like :pserver: service is disabled for now.
I've been trying to use the SSH option, but I keep getting oscillating
sets of files marked as conflicting. If I delete the first set, they
get pulled back in, but a different set is marked as conflicting. When
I delete the second set, the first set show up as conflicting again.
The first set is usually very large and the second is relatively small.
Best I can see the first set is not exactly identical.
I've seen this on src (HEAD) and pkgsrc (pkgsrc-2010Q2). xsrc did it
at first but after the first round had no conflicts on the update that
pulled the prior conflicts back in.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
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