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Re: Ipmi(4) under NetBSD-5 seems to have problems

        hello.  I don't get that exact crash, but I bet my patch fixes it.
What I see is some kind of null pointer reference under NetBSD-3 when
talking to the bmc board fails.  It's not consistent, so I suspect that
commands and data are corrupted when they go to the bmc board or when they
come from it.  I get different stuff on different machines.  One machine I
have just turns off with a  memory exception when the tickler screws up.
Other machines just reboot.  It could be scribbling to random spots on the
bmc's memory just does terrible things to one's machine.
I've been trying to track this down for a couple of weeks now.

that's under NetBSD-5.  
On Jul 14,  1:13pm, David Young wrote:
} Subject: Re: Ipmi(4) under NetBSD-5 seems to have problems
} On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:30:24AM -0700, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} >     Hello.  I've just filed kern/41724 with patches to fix the ipmi(4)
} > driver when using the watchdog timer.  I've submitted patches for
} > NetBSD-3.x, NetBSD-4.x and NetBSD-5.x.  These patches solve the problem of
} > making the watchdog timer crash the system when the tickler is unable to
} > communicate with it.  The problem is that the watchdog timer functions do
} > not honor the locks which are used when accessing sensor data.  By insuring
} > that only one set of functions is accessing the bmc boards at once, all
} > errors tickling the timers go away, and the rate of spurious out of range
} > conditions drops as well, although it doesn't go away entirely.  (It looks
} > like a new fix was just committed to the ipmi(4) driver  in -current that
} > might address that issue for once and all.)
} I activated my the watchdog timer on ipmi0 for the first time, and the
} system crashed as follows.  Does your system crash similarly?
} My system is a Dell PowerEdge 1950, btw.
} skyking# wdogctl -k -p 32 ipmi0
} skyking# wdogctl
} Available watchdog timers:
}         ipmi0, 32 second period [armed, kernel tickle]
}         ichlpcib0, 367 second period
} skyking# 
} skyking# panic: assert_sleepable: softint caller=0xc0452665
} cpu0: Begin traceback...
 at netbsd:kern_malloc+0x175
} cpu0: End traceback...
} dumping to dev 4,1 offset 8
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12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 succeeded
} Dave
} -- 
} David Young             OJC Technologies
}      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933
>-- End of excerpt from David Young

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