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recognizing the disk on USB EVDO modem...

I have a Verizon USB 727 modem, which includes an integral micro-SD
slot.  When I plug the device in, I get

        u3g0 at uhub5 port 3
        ucom0 at u3g0 portno 0: Generic 3G Serial Device
        ucom1 at u3g0 portno 1: Generic 3G Serial Device
        ucom2 at u3g0 portno 2: Generic 3G Serial Device
        ucom3 at u3g0 portno 3: Generic 3G Serial Device

but I don't see any disks.  My Asus EEE under Linux sees the disk just
fine -- but it doesn't see the serial ports.  (I know what to do about
that.)  An Ubuntu desktop sees the serial ports, but not the disk.  Is
there any way to get both?  (This is by no means an urgent matter; it's
more a matter of curiousity.)

                --Steve Bellovin,

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