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Gumstix verdex support

Hi! all,

I ported almost Gumstix verdex. (Maybe verdex pro too ;-)

  USB host      consoleLCD-vx, consoleLCD16-vx  (Not console-vx)
  LCD           consoleLCD-vx, consoleLCD16-vx
  SMSC LAN9117  netmicroSD-vx, netwifimiscorSD, netpro-vx(untested)
  MicroSD       netmicroSD-vx, netwifimiscorSD, verdex pro(untested)

    * SMSC LAN9117 is not good status possibly...
    * MicroSD driver

Not support device yet.

  Marvell 88W8385 (wifi module)

Please comment-out everything if you want to do the LCD panel to the

  #options        FFUARTCONSOLE
  #options        STUARTCONSOLE
  #options        BTUARTCONSOLE
  #options        HWUARTCONSOLE

And, please enable the lcd. (default enable)

  lcd0    at pxaip?
  wsdisplay* at lcd? console ?

I retry to check the LAN9117.
After, I will take a rest for a while. For my ia64.  ;-)


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