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Re: Using bluetooth to get Internet access through a cell phone

Alan Barrett wrote:
I have a cell phone that supports various ways of getting Internet
access (GPRS and UMTS).  Both the phone and my laptop support bluetooth.

How do I tell the laptop to use the phone to get Inetrnet access?  I
assume that it involves something like ppp over virtual com port over
bluetooth, but I find NetBSD's bluetooth-related man pages to be very
short on useful examples.
A while back I checked in examples pppd scripts as 
/usr/share/examples/pppd/telus* that I use to connect through my 
Blackberry with Bluetooth. The chat script ought to work for any 
GPRS/EDGE connection, not sure about UMTS. I also have the following in 
        bthcid=YES              bthcid_flags=""

and of course the phone needs to be paired with your laptop. The following URL should help:


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