I'm on my way to reinstall 4.99.72/i386 on my Eee PC 900 so I can try
FFSv2+log. I read a few things about FS and SSD and wanted feedback
1. One says "no swap partition on SSD". No problem for me, because I
2Go of RAM and probably will never need swap. But can I still zzz(8)
without a swap partition ? If not, can I zzz(8) with a swap file not
the SSD (on a SDHC for example) ?
2. One says "Never choose to use a journaling file system on the SSD
partitions". Is FFSv2+log a bad idea with a SSD ? I don't see how
journalising can generate more writes than a non-journalising FS ?
to me that journalising is even smarter regarding writes.