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It seems that no file in /usr/include on a NetBSD 4.0 machine defines
the value of _GLIBCXX_HAVE_SWPRINTF, yet /usr/include/g++/cwchar uses
it and it seems that /usr/include/wchar.h provides a correct
declaration that can be imported into the std namespace by cwhar.
Thus, it seems that this macro should in fact be defined.

Is there a rationale for not defining it?

I ask because I have some software that fails to build under NetBSD
solely because it expects std::swprintf to be defined.  If that macro
is defined, for example on the command line, everything compiles fine.
Thus I suspect that there might be a missing macro definition
somewhere, perhaps in c++config.h.  But then again, perhaps I'm
missing something.  Please help explain this.

Thanks alot.


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