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Re: MP regression ? (sequel to: CPU1 failed to become ready)


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 07:38:07PM +0200, Vincent wrote:

> Well, I am still stuck with my Core 2 Duo that will not start CPU 1.
> However, up to .62, I could workaround by setting MPDEBUG to yes. After 
> the message "cpu1 failed to become ready", the kernel fell back in DDB, 
> and typing cont woke up CPU1, and everything was nominal onwards.
> But with a kernel built this morning, this hack ceased to work. After a 
> few seconds, I get a "CPU1 fails to start", drop again in DDB and cannot 
> do anything else because the keyboard is dead.

It's hardly a regression if it didn't work in the first place!
> Hints?

I made another commit, please 'cvs up' and try again. Check that anoncvs has
given you revision 1.50 of sys/arch/x86/x86/cpu.c, it might not have caught


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