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Re: Backporting?

>>> How difficult is it to backport xsrc?
>> Would help if you said what kind of graphics card you want to use.
>Fair point.  I was thinking of taking all - or almost - of xsrc, on the
>assumption that I'd get all the hardware support that's there, but if
>it's possible to pull in just the support for a particular piece, that
>might be easier.

It is also that some architectures and graphics controllers are more
complicated to support.

On amd64 and i386 you also need kernel code for the userland part to
be able to work. This kernel code should deal with the multiple output

>8.0 reports it as

The important bit is this:

>vga0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0: vendor 8086 product 5912 (rev. 0x04)

So it is an Intel controller.

>drm at vga0 not configured

It doesn't look like the kernel recognizes the GPU.

Can you check whether the "i915drmkms* ..." line is enabled in the
kernel config ?

I think it will be easier to switch to 9.0, unless you also want to
backport everything under src/sys/external/bsd/drm2.

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