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Re: Makefiles for xorg

Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>Quentin Garnier <> writes:
>>> It might be nice if something analogous to the share/mk/bsd.README
>>> file was written for this. I would mean more people could maintain the
>>> code.
>> I might try to write some stuff down later, but right now my priority
>> is to have the stuff working.  It's really not that complicate to get,
>> provided you have experience with other similar parts of our source
>> tree.

>If you do have time later, please do write some of it down.
>When things are undocumented, even if it only makes it a little bit
>harder to fix things, that will often reduce the chances that people
>will fix things on their own. Little barriers to understanding can
>be enough to make people avoid doing stuff.
>As an aside, I think one of the positive things that distinguishes BSD
>and NetBSD in particular is the obsession with being thoroughly
>documented. It makes it much easier for people to get up to speed

I think that what is needed is to document what can go wrong when
adding new stuff.

I was able to work out fairly quickly what I thought was needed in
the different Makefiles, I just can't get some of them to work.

Robert Swindells

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