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Re: CVS commit: src/etc/mtree

On 29-Jul-08, at 12:24 PM, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Right now, I'd say I lean towards "put in /usr/{bin,sbin,lib} etc,
with symlink(s) from X11R6 to the new locations for one release". I
don't know how others feel about that.
In a fully "packaged" system (if that comes to be in time enough to be  
relevant here) I think the symlink tree should also be separate so  
that it can be left out.

2) /usr/X11 (or whatever) itself seems like an onion -- it comes from
the days when X was shipped separately from the OS and, lacking package
management, the X consortium people felt it was better to put
everything in one place for easy replacement etc. -- we don't need it
any more, and simpler is better.

Hurray!  I agree very much!

                                        Greg A. Woods; Planix, Inc.

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