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Re: CVS commit: src/etc/mtree

Takahiro Kambe <> writes:
> In message <>
>       on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:08:49 +0200,
>       Quentin Garnier <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:52:55AM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> ...
>> > >> "Perry E. Metzger" <> writes:
> ...
>> > >> Yet another possibility: why not just install the libraries in
>> > >> /usr/lib, the binaries in /usr/bin, etc? Perhaps the whole /usr/X11R?
>> > >> thing is an "onion".
> Such a radical change may affect something wrong to pkgsrc.
> (No well-grounded but my feeling.)

That should not be the case -- pkgsrc already has to deal with
multiple OSes, some of which put things in quite different places.

>> I think I saw X11R7 before (some SuSE?  Fedora seems to have everything
>> in /usr/{bin,lib}), but always coming along with a /usr/X11 symlink.  So
>> /usr/X11 it may be.
>> My main point is:  X11R6 is wrong.
> I agree.

So I guess consensus is against X11R6, and I yield on that -- I didn't
feel too strongly to begin with.

Right now, I'd say I lean towards "put in /usr/{bin,sbin,lib} etc,
with symlink(s) from X11R6 to the new locations for one release". I
don't know how others feel about that.

Here is my reasoning:

1) I'd like to keep a symlink for one release or so to prevent paths
and scripts from breaking.

2) /usr/X11 (or whatever) itself seems like an onion -- it comes from
the days when X was shipped separately from the OS and, lacking package
management, the X consortium people felt it was better to put
everything in one place for easy replacement etc. -- we don't need it
any more, and simpler is better.

Perry E. Metzger      

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