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Re: mail(1) editline defaults to vi mode?

On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 01:56:22PM -0500, Mouse wrote:
 > I think that input line editing, no matter how fancy, should be
 > invisible to simple applications, as invisible as erase and kill
 > processing is for applications that run in cooked mode today.
 > Applications that want frills, such as shells that want input history
 > that stretches back across multiple sessions, programs that want
 > completion of their own private command names, those will have to do
 > something to get them.  But then, they do now too; it's just a question
 > of designing the right interfaces.
 > But even that much is no easy task.

Ultimately the problem is that teletypes are baked into the core
architecture of Unix and all more sophisticated user interaction has
been bolted on top instead of being redesigned in.

By the time you fix it, it's not Unix any more.

David A. Holland

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