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Re: mail(1) editline defaults to vi mode?

Robert Elz wrote in
 |    Date:        Sat, 18 Feb 2023 05:18:22 +0300
 |    From:        Valery Ushakov <>
 |    Message-ID:  <Y/>
 || I think no program should ever init editline to vi mode,
 |This is BSD, everything should default to vi mode!!!
 |If you want some perversion from elsewhere, you need
 |to ask ecplicitly (perhaps even different ways for
 |different programs), let's make it as unfriendly as
 |ps Mouse: no, this should not be in the kernel ... asking the
 |kernel to search back and get text from something you entered
 |3 weeks (and several reboots) ago is just unreasonable.

I think Mouse refers to a thread on TUHS (where all the old hands
of UNIX are, and some idiots, too, but the thread i cannot find,
must be within the last six months but whee).
Ah have it, for example Rob Pike said in [1]

  t just seems much more natural to me to have line editing provided at some
  fundamental level. Putting it in the shell or some library means some tools
  get it but some don't. Why should sh have editing but mail not? But then
  there's glob.

  Do it once, do it well, and do it for everything, where "it" is a wildcard
  that refers to every important detail.


 --End of <>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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