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Re: tcsh as csh default

> Any good reason to not update /bin/csh to tcsh as default csh like FreeBSD
> and Dragonfly did?

I use csh/tcsh interactively (not for sripts), and I am heavily in
love with and dependent on csh's !-style history feature.  None of
the other shells in base provide that.  I pick !-history over
"line editing" any time.  (I grew up with that.)

I only favour tcsh over csh because the TAB completion (instead of
ESC) aligns better with all the linux-bashs I have to use.  (It's
very irritating to have to constantly switch between TAB and ESC
between systems.  Compared with that, I don't care much about any
of the other tcsh extras, such as spelling correction.  Well,
tcsh's command completion is certainly nice, too, but I wouldn't
kill for that.)

So yes:  another vote to "go tcsh!" in base.

						Martin Neitzel

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