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Re: tnftpd no tcp wrappers on freebsd

On Mon, Jul 06, 2015 at 01:41:50PM +0200, pierre-philipp braun wrote:
  | Hi Luke, hi NetBSD tech-userlevel,
  | I installed tnftpd as my favorite FTP daemon on a FreeBSD box but
  | I observed that I couldn't reject some dirty hackers trying to
  | brute force it, as it isn't linked against libwrap on that system.
  | I guess or I hope it is TCP wrappers capable on NetBSD, but that
  | feature seems to be missing on FreeBSD which also has a specific
  | /etc/hosts.allow mechanism.
  | Compiling ot from the ports tree or getting the prepared binary
  | brings the same.  I also looked at ./configure --help output and
  | didn't see anything about tcp wrappers nor libwrap.

Neither ftpd (in base NetBSD) nor tnftpd (the portable version of the
former) have support for the TCP wrappers (libwrap).
I don't know if FreeBSD has modifications for that - at first glance
it does not appear to.

  | Is there some way that I can keep my daemon up while still being
  | able to refuse specific IP or hostnames trying to brute force?

The ftpd in NetBSD-current appears to support <blacklist.h>
but that isn't documented in ftpd(8) how it operates, and I
don't think it's reusable outside of NetBSD as a standalone
project (yet).  (I didn't add blacklist.h to ftpd - Christos did)


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