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5.1 install-from-source

I've been doing installs from source on 5.1, recently.  I've been using
-x (on both the build and the install, of course).

Every time, the install step complains

2011-11-12 23:24:26.01 rc check:
2011-11-12 23:24:26.80  ///etc/rc.d/xdm does not exist
2011-11-12 23:24:26.80  ///etc/rc.d/xfs does not exist

and tells me

2011-11-12 23:24:30.72 postinstall checks failed: rc
2011-11-12 23:24:30.77 To fix, run:
2011-11-12 23:24:30.77     /usr/src/usr.sbin/postinstall/postinstall -s 
'/usr/src' -d // fix rc

but this is doubly wrong: first, the postinstall script under /usr/src
has no execute bits and thus that command won't do anything but
complain about their lack, and second, even after prepending "sh" to
it, it doesn't help; it runs, but /etc/rc.d/xdm and /etc/rc.d/xfs still
don't exist, and the next run produces the same complaints.

Oddly, manually running the command printed just above the postinstall
check run,

MAKE=/home/mouse/i386/OBJDIR/tooldir.NetBSD-5.1-i386/bin/nbmake /bin/sh 
/usr/src/usr.sbin/postinstall/postinstall -s /usr/src -d // check; if [ $? -gt 
1 ]; then exit 1; fi

does not produce any complaints during the "rc check" portion.  I don't
know why; the files don't exist, and the next "sh ... install"
run complains.

Is this known and won't be fixed in 5.x, known and fixed in the 5
branch and will appear in the next 5.x release if any, something that
needs a PR, something that should be asked elsewhere (where?),
something else, what?

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