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Re: CVS conversion to Mercurial

On Jan,Monday 25 2010, at 10:13 PM, Lloyd Parkes wrote:

> Hi all,
> I fired up "hg convert" over the weekend to see how much trouble the 
> character sets were actually going to cause us. The answer seems to be "not 
> much". I had thought it was Mercurial that complained about character sets, 
> but maybe it was Subversion. I really am going to have to write proper notes 
> about this rather than poking and prodding at repositories whenever I'm bored.
> I only encountered three problems during the conversion. 1) There is a bug in 
> Mercurial that fails to parse one log message in src. 2) There are about half 
> a dozen files in src/sys that have that tag "magnum" with a revision number 
> of "1", which is not a valid revision number. 3) I don't have enough RAM to 
> complete a conversion of src :-(. My PowerMac G5 with 5.5GB of RAM loaded all 
> 1.5 million CVS changes into RAM, but it doesn't have enough RAM to convert 
> them into changesets. I might just have to buy another 4GB of RAM next pay 
> day.
> I know people are worried about bigger problems than these, but I only know 
> about the small problems, and if I can help prevent people from tripping over 
> them, then that's good.

Can you share details about your conversion I have access to very good x86 
machine with >8Gb ram where I can reproduce your conversion but I do not have 
time to study what is needed for hg convert to run.



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