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Re: First package commited to wip - workflow - what's next ?

Hi Brandon, 

Thank you for your contribution.

> Would it be okay to ask someone to take a look to see if I missed anything critical or any other improvements / changes ?  I am trying to follow the guide and do things “by the book”.

The package seems to build and run fine, so I think you did a good job. It would be nice if you added a COMMIT_MSG file (see pkglint output below).
Take a look at the guidelines for commit messages. Those apply for git commits too. [1] 

Also, your DESCR file format seems to different to the other packages.

> pkglint
> WARN: COMMIT_MSG: Every work-in-progress package should have a COMMIT_MSG file.
> 1 warning found.
> (Run "pkglint -e" to show explanations.)

> My second question is - how/when/who would this get into pkgsrc proper from wip ? 

Usually someone with commit privileges would take interest in the package and decide to import it. It might help if you share some information on why you think this package would be useful for pkgsrc users. Regardless, many of us use pkgsrc-wip packages so it's already a big plus having the package in there.



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