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Re: GSOC 2025 Project "Improve UI/UX of pkgsrc MESSAGE"

Solvable Hat <> writes:

> Hello Mentor,
> My name is Yaseen. I am currently studying Bachelors in Computer Science
> and Engineering.
> I am interested in this specific project of NetBSD and want to contribute
> to it : Improve UI/UX of pkgsrc MESSAGE.
> Can you please give some insights on how to get started.

I should warn you that I think MESSAGE is basically a bug and that 98%
of current MESSAGEs should be removed.  Please see the pkgsrc guide and
the description of when MESSAGE is and is not appropriate.

What would be useful is an infrastructure change so that e.g.
files/README.pkgsrc can be added to the build, installed in $docdir,
controlled by a variable, instead of having to open-code a postinstall

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