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Re: Broken: databases/sqlc in pkgsrc-current on NetBSD 10.0/x86_64

Am 16.03.25 um 22:29 schrieb Taylor R Campbell:
The build databases/sqlc is newly broken in pkgsrc-current on NetBSD
10.0/x86_64 since the last build from the same series.  Build failure:

You recently committed changes to files that could have caused this.
Can you please take a look?

I did. It looks like silently dropped NetBSD support. In particular, the cool kids (among the platforms) will get a new vendored SQLite codebase, while the one used for NetBSD is old. It's just that the main package now uses a symbol that's not in the NetBSD-specific Go file.

I will try to get this resolved upstream.


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