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Broken: devel/py-ipython in pkgsrc-current on NetBSD 10.0/x86_64

[This report was semiautomatically generated by pkgsrc-bulkdiff

The build of py310-ipython from devel/py-ipython is newly broken in
pkgsrc-current on NetBSD 10.0/x86_64 since the last build from the
same series.  Build failure:

You recently committed changes to files that could have caused this.
Can you please take a look?

If this has already been fixed, please disregard!

changeset:   1570338:858a2c8425a1
branch:      trunk
user:        wiz <>
date:        Sun Mar 09 06:06:44 2025 +0000
files:       devel/pkgconf/Makefile devel/pkgconf/distinfo devel/pkgconf/patches/
pkgconf: update to 2.4.3.

Changes from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3:

* Fix additional logic errors relating to the new fragment trees

Changes from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2:

* Fix several logic errors in the pkg-config file parser that were
  surfaced by recent refactoring work.

* Fix BSD make compatibility so that it generates the test data
  before running kyua on BSD make implementations.

Changes from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1:

* Ensure the full DAG is solved for all query types.

changeset:   1570558:f4940a2799f9
branch:      trunk
user:        adam <>
date:        Wed Mar 12 15:04:50 2025 +0000
files:       devel/Makefile devel/py-ipython-pygments-lexers/DESCR devel/py-ipython-pygments-lexers/Makefile devel/py-ipython-pygments-lexers/PLIST devel/py-ipython-pygments-lexers/distinfo
py-ipython-pygments-lexers: added version 1.1.1

A Pygments plugin for IPython code & console sessions.

IPython is an interactive Python shell. Among other features, it adds some
special convenience syntax, including %magics, !shell commands and help?. This
package contains lexers for these, to use with the Pygments syntax highlighting

* The ipython lexer should be used where only input code is highlighted
* The ipythonconsole lexer works for an IPython session, including code,
  prompts, output and tracebacks.

These lexers were previously part of IPython itself (in IPython.lib.lexers),
but have now been moved to a separate package.

changeset:   1570559:c158ae90f598
branch:      trunk
user:        adam <>
date:        Wed Mar 12 15:06:41 2025 +0000
files:       devel/py-ipython/Makefile devel/py-ipython/PLIST devel/py-ipython/distinfo
py-ipython: updated to 9.0.2

As a short overview of the changes in 9.0, we have over 100 PRs merged since 8.x,
many of which are refactors, cleanups and simplifications.

- (optional) LLM integration in the CLI.
- Complete rewrite of color and theme handling, which now supports more colors and symbols.
- Move tests out of tree in the wheel with a massive reduction in file size.
- Tips at startup
- Removal of (almost) all deprecated functionalities and options.
- Stricter and more stable codebase.

changeset:   1570600:fe8566865aa1
branch:      trunk
user:        hauke <>
date:        Thu Mar 13 09:44:37 2025 +0000
files:       mk/defaults/mk.conf net/nsd/Makefile net/unbound/Makefile
Set default user, group and syslog facility for nsd and unbound in
mk/defaults/mk.conf for documentation.

Thanks, wiz@

changeset:   1570601:6793e7ca54b7
branch:      trunk
user:        wiz <>
date:        Thu Mar 13 09:47:08 2025 +0000
files:       mk/defaults/mk.conf
mk: fix pasto

changeset:   1570621:747f75ca32f7
branch:      trunk
user:        adam <>
date:        Thu Mar 13 15:28:32 2025 +0000
files:       misc/py-trove-classifiers/Makefile misc/py-trove-classifiers/distinfo
py-trove-classifiers: updated to 2025.3.13.13

Add Pyodide framework

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