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Re: Python versions

Robert Swindells <> writes:

> Greg Troxel <> wrote:
>>Robert Swindells <> writes:
>>> I am trying to build wip/freecad with Python 3.11, it requires
>> What do you mean with?  wip/freecad does not specify anything about
>> python versions.
> Have pushed my changes to wip.

Great, thanks.

> The wip/py-pyside-setup package seems to require 3.11, my guess is that
> freecad will need the same Python version.

If it really doesn't work with 3.12, that makes sense.   With any luck
that upstream is maintained and will have a release that works with 3.12
and 3.13.

> The official Linux binary of FreeCAD is linked against Python 3.11.

OK, but that is often a reflection of some particular distribution
having  that, in a "Long Term Stale" sort of way.

Building freecad, I am getting a lot of py311 packages built.  It may be
that there is some package that is not versioned that needs to be
versioned.  So far I haven't seen that.

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