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Re: Daemon user

On 5/15/24 08:39, Greg Troxel wrote:
Jason Bacon <> writes:

21.6.14. Packages installing startup scripts

If a package contains an rc.d script, it won’t be copied into the
startup directory (/etc/rc.d) by default, but you can enable copying
by setting the option PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS=YES in mk.conf. With
PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS=YES, rc.d scripts will be copied into /etc/rc.d when a
package is installed, but only if the target does not already
exist. Copies in /etc/rc.d will be automatically removed only if they
have not been modified. Hence, modifying scripts in /etc/rc.d will
prevent them from being upgraded along with the package.

Note that this alone does not enable the service: It must still be
added to /etc/rc.conf.

This does not belong in fixes, as it's not about creating the package.
It's about using pkgsrc.

Reorging the guide sounds like another discussion, which I don't have the capacity to get involved in at the moment. I'd actually like to help more with documentation someday, but I'm up to my ears in other projects right now.

I would drop the "hence" sentence.  It's true, but things easily get too

Agreed.  I'll commit sans "hence".

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