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Adding pkg_admin unpack (ish)

On Saturday 13 Apr 2024, at 07:24, Greg Troxel wrote:
> I have only occasionally wanted to do this, and I've just used tar to
> unpack.  I wonder why that isn't ok, for your occasional use.

It's part of a tool converting binary pkg_install packages to .deb
packages in an automated process. tar is fine, although it depends
which tar. For instance gnutar cannot extract '+*' files without a
specific option, some old tar don't understand the archive, etc, so
it's painful to get it right. I also feel like injecting knowledge
outside pkg_install (such as `+*' files are metadata) is not ideal,
but that's a minor point.

I actually implemented `pkg_add -x pkg.tgz`, it's only a few
lines diff, and for me it's the simplest solution, as by definition
pkg_add will be available on the host and it will have a consistent

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