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Re: bin/57820: devel/rcs fails on 10.0_RC2 works on 9.3

On Wed, 10 Jan 2024, George Georgalis wrote:

I eliminated NFS for the build tests in the report a few hours ago.
LOCALBASE and source are all on local disk (/usr/pkg/...),

LOCALBASE is where packages will finally get installed. WRKOBJDIR is
different. That has to be a local dir. for multi-OS builds.

only the base make vs bmake observation required nfs to demonstrate,
the /nfs-pkg/...10rc2usr directory is a cp of /usr/pkg/pkgsrc-release


NFS has only made a difference for the base make observation,
not any building issues.

OK, I think some assumptions are wrong here. You've started the build like this:

./bootstrap --prefix /x/y --unprivileged ...
cd ../devel/rcs
export PATH=/x/y:$PATH

All that is correct, but, I'm if not mistaken, you want to use `make' instead
of `bmake'. But, that just can't be used as it is because the system make
has no idea that it has to use the pkgsrc stuff sitting in the `/x/y' prefix.

You'll have to tell system make to use the config. in `/x/y'. This worked for

In `/etc/mk.conf', I added:

.ifdef BSD_PKG_MK       # begin pkgsrc settings
.include "/x/y/etc/mk.conf"
.endif                  # end pkgsrc settings

This made make(1) behave like bmake(1). Make sure to set WRKOBJDIR too.


PS. pkgsrc gurus please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.

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