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New version of www/gumbo-parser

Hi all,

So I've began working on porting wip/newsraft and I've ran into an
unexpected roadblock, namely, www/gumbo-parser. Turns out Google
has stopped supporting gumbo-parser but a new version of the project
has been forked here:
What is the protocol for supporting this project? Do we update the
existing www/gumbo-parser to now point to this repo or do we create
a new recipe with a new name for historical reasons (if other
programs depend on the original gumbo)? If we do the latter, what
do we name the new one since they're still below version 1 (0.10.1
vs 0.11.0, we can't call the new one gumbo-parser11 since it's not
actually version 11 and will likely increment subversion quickly)?



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