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pkg options inheritance

while attempting to build a package that has failed in the past,
I noticed the x11 option set in a dependency. Unexpected, so
I broke the build to fixup the mk.conf, however it already contained


apparently, since ffmpeg6 does not support the options framework
when it recurses, PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS are not respected in the
dependency? The addition of the following, enabled sdl2 to build

PKG_OPTIONS.SDL2+=      -x11

and the package build was successful. in this case (current)
I was lucky to try the PKG_OPTIONS.SDL2 setting. in the past,
I relied on PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS and just assumed the build
was broke (2023Q3 has an unrelated (Darwin?) libaom issue).

while I'm happy that the additional -x11 line in mk.conf solved
the issue, it seems like a bug. in my invocation, on Darwin, the
fix was first resolved building ffplay6

in any event, is PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS ignored by design when
a package without options framework depends on one that does?

I'm inclined to suppose it would be better to include the inheritance
portions of the framework on packages missing it, than to adjust
the options inheritance method for packages that are deps of
packages that don't use it?


George Georgalis, (415) 894-2710,

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