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Re: rust and rust-bin out of sync?

pin <> writes:

>> What's up with cargo-c? It is not declared as needing any particular
>> version of rust (and it seems quite unreasonable to need anything
>> bleeding edge
> [...]
> This is rather unfortunate. Not all projects specify which Rust version they actually require but, cargo-c actually does.
> I've crosschecked this before merging the latest cargo-c, it clearly states 'rust-version = "1.69"' on line 12 of Cargo.toml,
> see
> Also, have a look at the package, it contains a dependency on the once_cell crate.
> Look for the line containing 'CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS+= once_cell-1.18.0'.
> In other words, this shouldn't happen and it's clearly something upstream has missed.

ok - so just a normal upstream bug, let through because they are
apparently not doing CI against their documented dependencies.

> Now, to the error itself.
> once_cell used to be an external crate up to Rust-1.69 but, it was stabilized and merged into Rust in version 1.70
> I understand it's frustrating to see 'error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'once_cell'' instead of a version requirement.
> Although, if you follow Rust development, the error is rather obvious.
> I think it's difficult to predict when a certain feature will actually be stabilized and merged into Rust.
> Hence, the missing version requirement. By the time 1.69 was released there was probably not known when once_cell would be merged.
> Sometimes, it happens and the error is more clear, stating the required Rust version.
> Downgrading cargo-c brings in other issues, see
> Easy to fix but, I think the correct thing to do is to bring rust-bin up-to-date with lang/rust.

Yes, that seems clearly the best approach, since rust-bin should match
rust anyway.  And it avoids this upstream bug.

>> We're heading to pre-freeze so I am wondering what is the plan for rust
>> for 2023Q3.
>> lang/rust is at 1.70.0
>> lang/rust-bin is at 1.69.0
>> wip/rust is at 1.71.1
> I'll leave this for HÃ¥vard to answer but, as far as amd64 is concerned there are no issues with 1.71.x
> I've been using 1.71 since mid July and all my packages build fine with it, including firefox-115 and 116.
> So, again on amd64, the obvious would be to get all these in sync at version 1.71.1

I don't object if it works, but 9/1 is coming soon.

>> Is anyone thinking of landing 1.71.1 in lang/rust before 9/1? I would
>> guess not because I haven't been hearing about a call for testing
>> already -- but I could be off.
> It would be good to get 1.71.1 in because ...

Sure, but we need to make sure it doesn't break things, and be stable
heading into freeze.  It seems like a lot of testing has happened
already, so this seems workable.

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