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Re: proper fix for C++17?

On Sat 25 Feb 2023 at 08:08:22 -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:
> kicad was recently updated (yay) but it now depends on C++17.  In theory
> gcc7, in NetBSD 9, supports C++17, but it in fact does not, failing to
> provide <charconv>.
> With the following, it builds and runs.   I picked gcc10 because
>   - that's what is in NetBSD 10
>   - it was installed already because something else needs it

For the set of packages that I happen to build, gcc 10 is good enough.
Some package requires it, and based on the premise (which is still
valid, I suppose) that one should not mix different g++ versions, I'm
using gcc10 for all packages.

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