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Re: Builtin iconv not found on Darwin 21.6.0

* On 2022-09-25 at 13:24 BST, Frédéric Fauberteau wrote:

As result of searching libiconv in libraries (among others):
% find /Library -name "*iconv*"

I think maybe BUILDINK_FIND_LIBS is misled by the tbd files…
We can no longer use native on macOS at all since they got rid of shared 
libraries.  You need to bootstrap with --prefer-pkgsrc=yes.
I can fix it with this patch:
I think we're missing a patch in bootstrap to force PREFER_PKGSRC on 
newer macOS, rather than adding overrides for everything, similar to how 
OpenBSD and some Linux are handled.
Jonathan Perkin   -   -
Open Source Complete Cloud

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