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Re: www/serf failing with missing db4

On Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 09:29:38AM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> So you'll have to debug what goes wrong in that part. Perhaps run make
> in debug mode and check if this code triggers, and where BDB_ACCEPTED
> is modified.

I have no idea how to parse make debug log - it always seems totaly unreadable
to me.

make -dv show-buildlink3 contains this:

Result[] of :U is "db18"
Global:_BDB_PKGSRCDIR.db18 = ../../databases/${:Udb18}
Global:.PARSEDIR = ../../mk
Global:_BDB185_DEFAULT = ${BDB185_DEFAULT}
Applying[USE_DB185] :M to "yes"
Pattern[USE_DB185] for [yes] is [[yY][eE][sS]]
VarMatch [yes] [[yY][eE][sS]]
Result[USE_DB185] of :M is "yes"
Global:_BDB_TYPE = ${_BDB185_DEFAULT}
Applying[_BDB_ACCEPTED] :M to "db1 db2 db3 db4 db5 db6 db18"
Pattern[_BDB_ACCEPTED] for [db1 db2 db3 db4 db5 db6 db18] is [db1]

and no later mention of BDB_ACCEPTED, so it results in buildlinking db1.
If I force BDB_ACCEPTED=db4 on the make command line, the pkg builds.


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