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Re: Questions regarding python scripts

Georg Schwarz <> writes:

> I'm adding (in WIP) a package which uses python scripts only.
> They come with their own libs sub-direcory with some helper python scripts.
> Where's the best location to install them? Some package-specific directory in share?

That's a good question, and $PREFIX/share/$PKGBASE/python is probably


  share is only ok if they are independent of CPU architecture.  If not,
  libexec.  They might have .pyc and I think that's portable but I'm not
  entirely sure.

  The pkgsrc way is some blend of respecting the upstream build system
  and fixing it when it is broken.

I would suggest first reading the upstream build instructions and
installing the package manually by folowing the instructions.  That's
your baseline and the question is how to change it for pkgsrc.

> They also come with empty files. I don't need to include those, do I?

Do you think empty files are a bug?  If so, have you filed a
bug upstream?

Does it work wihtout them?  This is really a question about how that
particular package works.  But generally, I think you should have the
package follow the upstream build instructions.  If not, then you should
sort variances into "pkgsrc does it differently" and "the package has a
bug" and file bugs upstream for the second class.

You earlier said "helper scripts" but this feels like "helper modules".

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