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Re: ftp package site broken (7.1.1, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2)

On 05.11.2020 04:41, Ladar Levison wrote:
Looks like the paths for packages have been broken. Specifically:
Hi Ladar,

Thanks for the notice.  NetBSD 7 is not supported anymore, the packages
for it are gone from  You can still find them here:
This was a broken symlink that still pointed to 2020Q1, which didn't
exist there anymore.  I manually updated it to point to 2020Q3.  I think
there is also an automatic mechanism for this, but I don't remember
exactly where that code is.

I thought it might simply be a symlinking issue, but pointing the
machine at:

Yielded warnings during install:

+ export
+ export
+ pkg_add vim curl wget sudo bash pkgin slocate bash-completion
pkg_add: Warning: package `vim-8.2.1709' was built for a platform:
pkg_add: NetBSD/x86_64 8.0 (pkg) vs. NetBSD/x86_64 8.2 (this host)
8.2 is a symlink to 8.0, that's why you get this warning.  The warning
itself is misleading since packages built for 8.0 should work flawlessly
on 8.2.  We had a discussion recently about this but didn't take any
action.  You can just ignore them for now.


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