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daily pkgsrc CVS update output
Updating pkgsrc tree:
P pkgsrc/archivers/Makefile
P pkgsrc/archivers/p5-Archive-Any/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/archivers/p5-Archive-Tar/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/archivers/p5-Archive-Tar/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/archivers/p5-Archive-Tar/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/archivers/p5-Archive-Tar/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/audio/din/Makefile
P pkgsrc/audio/din/PLIST
P pkgsrc/audio/din/distinfo
P pkgsrc/audio/din/patches/
P pkgsrc/audio/ncspot/Makefile
P pkgsrc/audio/ncspot/distinfo
P pkgsrc/audio/ncspot/patches/patch-Cargo.toml
cvs update: `pkgsrc/audio/ncspot/patches/' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/Makefile
P pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/PLIST
U pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/distinfo
P pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/
cvs update: `pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/patches/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/patches/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/patches/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/audio/py-music21/patches/' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/cad/py-gds/Makefile
U pkgsrc/cad/py-gds/distinfo
P pkgsrc/cad/py-gds/patches/
P pkgsrc/chat/Makefile
U pkgsrc/chat/libmesode/DESCR
U pkgsrc/chat/libmesode/Makefile
U pkgsrc/chat/libmesode/PLIST
U pkgsrc/chat/libmesode/
U pkgsrc/chat/libmesode/distinfo
U pkgsrc/chat/libmesode/patches/
U pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/DESCR
U pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/MESSAGE
U pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/Makefile
U pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/PLIST
U pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/distinfo
U pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse/files/
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/DESCR
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/Makefile
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/PLIST
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/distinfo
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/patches/
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/patches/patch-src_ui_inputwin.c
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/patches/patch-src_ui_rosterwin.c
U pkgsrc/chat/profanity/patches/patch-src_ui_window.c
P pkgsrc/converters/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-JSON-PP/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-JSON-PP/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-JSON-PP/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-MIME-Base64/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-MIME-Base64/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-MIME-Base64/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-MIME-Base64/patches/patch-aa' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Collate/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Collate/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Collate/TODO' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Collate/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Normalize/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Normalize/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/converters/p5-Unicode-Normalize/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/databases/p5-App-Sqitch/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/p5-Class-DBI/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBICx-MapMaker/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBICx-Sugar/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/p5-DBICx-TestDatabase/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/p5-Parse-Dia-SQL/Makefile
P pkgsrc/databases/postgresql12-client/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/bugzilla/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/calltree-perl/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/ncurses/distinfo
U pkgsrc/devel/ncurses/patches/patch-ncurses_base_lib_initscr.c
U pkgsrc/devel/ncurses/patches/patch-ncurses_tinfo_lib_raw.c
P pkgsrc/devel/ninka/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Alien-SDL/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-AnyEvent-XMPP/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-App-perlbrew/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-AutoLoader/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-AutoLoader/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-AutoLoader/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Check/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPANPLUS/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Cache-Memcached-Fast/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Check-ISA/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2/patches/patch-Makefile.PL' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib/patches/patch-aa' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Context-Preserve/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Data-Dumper/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Data-Random/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Data-Serializer/MESSAGE
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Devel-Events/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Devel-Events-Objects/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Devel-PPPort/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Devel-PPPort/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Devel-PPPort/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Devel-PartialDump/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Command/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Command/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Command/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker/patches/patch-ab' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Manifest/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Manifest/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Manifest/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-Path/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-Path/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-Path/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-Temp/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-Temp/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-File-Temp/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Getopt-Long/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Getopt-Long/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Getopt-Long/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Getopt-Long/patches/patch-Makefile.PL' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Git-CPAN-Patch/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Compress/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Compress/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Compress/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Handle-Util/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-InSitu/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Zlib/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Zlib/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Zlib/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IPC-Cmd/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IPC-Cmd/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IPC-Cmd/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IPC-SysV/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IPC-SysV/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-IPC-SysV/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Screen/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Memoize/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Memoize/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Memoize/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Build/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Build-Tiny/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-CoreList/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-CoreList/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-CoreList/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Load/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Load/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Load/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Metadata/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Metadata/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Metadata/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-Starter-PBP/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-MooX-Options/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Moose/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-MooseX-App-Cmd/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-MooseX-Traits/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-NEXT/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-NEXT/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-NEXT/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Pod-Usage/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Pod-Usage/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Pod-Usage/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Reply/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Storable/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Storable/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Storable/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Sub-Info/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Taint-Util/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ANSIColor/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ANSIColor/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ANSIColor/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-Cap/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-Cap/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-Cap/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ReadLine/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ReadLine/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ReadLine/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-ReadLine/patches/patch-Makefile.PL' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Term-Table/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Bits/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-CheckDeps/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-CleanNamespaces/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Continuous/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Deep/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Harness/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Harness/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Harness/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-HexDifferences/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-MinimumVersion/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Most/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-NoWarnings/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Output/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Simple/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Simple/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Simple/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Strict/Makefile
U pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Strict/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-TempDir/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-TempDir-Tiny/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Trap/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Version/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Warnings/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test2-Suite/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-TheSchwartz/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Tie-RefHash/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Tie-RefHash/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-Tie-RefHash/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-VCP/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-XSLoader/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-XSLoader/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-XSLoader/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/p5-accessors-fast/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-autodie/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-autodie/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-autodie/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-experimental/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-experimental/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-experimental/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-parent/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-parent/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-parent/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-version/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-version/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/devel/p5-version/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/devel/pango/Makefile
P pkgsrc/devel/pango/PLIST
P pkgsrc/devel/pango/distinfo
P pkgsrc/devel/py-configobj/PLIST
P pkgsrc/devel/rt4/Makefile
P pkgsrc/doc/CHANGES-2020
P pkgsrc/fonts/harfbuzz/Makefile
P pkgsrc/fonts/harfbuzz/PLIST
U pkgsrc/fonts/harfbuzz/distinfo
P pkgsrc/fonts/harfbuzz/
P pkgsrc/fonts/unscii/Makefile
P pkgsrc/graphics/Makefile
U pkgsrc/graphics/graphene/DESCR
U pkgsrc/graphics/graphene/Makefile
U pkgsrc/graphics/graphene/PLIST
U pkgsrc/graphics/graphene/
U pkgsrc/graphics/graphene/distinfo
P pkgsrc/lang/perl5/Makefile
P pkgsrc/lang/perl5/distinfo
P pkgsrc/lang/perl5/patches/patch-Configure
P pkgsrc/lang/php/
P pkgsrc/lang/php73/distinfo
P pkgsrc/lang/php74/distinfo
P pkgsrc/mail/p5-Parse-MIME/Makefile
P pkgsrc/mail/sieve-connect/Makefile
P pkgsrc/mail/swaks/Makefile
P pkgsrc/math/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/p5-Math-Complex/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/p5-Math-Complex/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/p5-Math-Complex/PLIST' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/math/p5-Math-Complex/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/misc/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext/patches/patch-Makefile.PL' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/misc/p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/mk/defaults/options.description
P pkgsrc/mk/platform/
P pkgsrc/net/lftp/
P pkgsrc/net/oinkmaster/
P pkgsrc/net/p5-Data-Stream-Bulk/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/p5-MaxMind-DB-Common/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/p5-Net-DRI/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/p5-RPC-XML/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/pulledpork/Makefile
P pkgsrc/net/rt4-cli/Makefile
P pkgsrc/print/LaTeXML/Makefile
P pkgsrc/print/p5-biblatex-biber/Makefile
P pkgsrc/security/Makefile
P pkgsrc/security/kpcli/Makefile
P pkgsrc/security/log2timeline/Makefile
P pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-PWSafe3/Makefile
P pkgsrc/security/p5-Crypt-SMIME/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest-MD5/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest-MD5/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest-MD5/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest-SHA/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest-SHA/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/security/p5-Digest-SHA/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/security/p5-Net-SSH/Makefile
P pkgsrc/sysutils/Makefile
P pkgsrc/sysutils/munin-common/Makefile.common
cvs update: `pkgsrc/sysutils/p5-Sys-Syslog/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/sysutils/p5-Sys-Syslog/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/sysutils/p5-Sys-Syslog/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/sysutils/shelldap/Makefile
P pkgsrc/sysutils/znapzend/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode/' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode-EUCJPASCII/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode-HanExtra/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Encode-JIS2K/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Pod-Escapes/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Pod-Escapes/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Pod-Escapes/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Pod-Simple/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Pod-Simple/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Pod-Simple/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Text-MultiMarkdown/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/textproc/p5-Text-vCard/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/p5-YAML-PP/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/po4a/Makefile
P pkgsrc/textproc/py-jsonschema/Makefile
P pkgsrc/time/Makefile
P pkgsrc/time/p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime/Makefile
P pkgsrc/time/p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained/Makefile
P pkgsrc/time/p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/time/p5-Time-Local/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/time/p5-Time-Local/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/time/p5-Time-Local/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/time/p5-Time-Piece/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/time/p5-Time-Piece/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/time/p5-Time-Piece/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/www/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/awstats/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/badwolf/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/badwolf/PLIST
U pkgsrc/www/badwolf/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/nginx/distinfo
P pkgsrc/www/nginx/
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Browser-Open/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Catalyst-Engine-JobQueue-POE/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Dancer2/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-HTML-Display/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-HTML-Entities-Interpolate/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-HTTP-Thin/Makefile
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/p5-HTTP-Tiny/DESCR' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/p5-HTTP-Tiny/Makefile' is no longer in the repository
cvs update: `pkgsrc/www/p5-HTTP-Tiny/distinfo' is no longer in the repository
P pkgsrc/www/p5-HTTP-Tiny-Multipart/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-Test-WWW-Declare/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-WWW-Facebook-API/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded/Makefile
P pkgsrc/www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell/Makefile
Killing core files:
Updating tar files:
building list of README.html files
pkgsrc: collecting ... building .gz ... replacing... building .bz2 ... replacing... building .xz ... replacing...
pkgsrc-readmes: collecting ... building .gz ... replacing... building .bz2 ... replacing... building .xz ... replacing... done
Updating pkgsrc-2020Q2 pkgsrc tree (/ftp/pub/pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2020Q2):
Updating pkgsrc pkgsrc-2020Q2 tar files:
pkgsrc: collecting ... building .gz ... replacing... building .bz2 ... replacing... building .xz ... replacing... done
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