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Re: pkglint: support${CC} inside sed string

Am 21.10.2019 um 10:42 schrieb ng0:
> for wip/nsm I have a not so odd workaround until
> is merged.
> The SUBST_SED does:
> ...
>          -e 's,g++,${CXX:Q},g'
> ...
> pkglint -Wall .  throws this warning:
> WARN: Makefile:23: Please move ${CXX:Q} outside of any quoting characters.
> 1 warning found.
> (Run "pkglint -e" to show explanations.)

Did you run pkglint -e, or better "pkglint -Wall -e", as pkglint itself
suggested? It's not that difficult to fix this warning properly.

> however it just works as it should. If it's not too difficult,
> can we add an exception for a situation like this to pkglint?

Yes, it works for you. But since CXX is a user-settable variable of type
ShellCommand, it is not a simple pathname but can also contain
arguments. Some packages really do this, and even the user might want to
set CXX like this:

CXX=    /opt/gcc-9.1/bin/g++ -DPKGSRC_USER='"Roland Illig"'

Admitted, it's not very likely that someone does exactly this, but
that's the reason why pkglint is as strict as it is in this regard. I
also know that an additional escaping needs to be added for sed in such
a case, but at least the escaping for the shell is correct then.


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