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Re: BLAS in pkgsrc: present and future

On 2019-05-31 04:10, Dr. Thomas Orgis wrote:
The packages do not have one common way to choose a BLAS
implementation. Many need the values of BLAS_LIBS and LAPACK_LIBS
inserted as env/make/configure variables somehow. Also, some just want
the name of the implementation to trigger their own configuration
machinery. It seems to me that this is quite like the situation with
postgresql (including the actually set variable PGSQL_VERSION).
wip/gemma is an example of this.

I briefly pondered proposing some sort of elegant solution (e.g. CFLAGS.blas, ...), but I think we should gain some experience with the system first (i.e. convert/create numerous dependent packages) so we have a better perspective on what's really needed.

?????? JB

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