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sysutils/nnn: update to 2.2

Patch attached. Note that patches/patch-Makefile is deleted, but I
couldn’t figure out how to make CVS diff include that in the patch.

This can wait if the freeze is still on.

Upstream changes:
- (neo)vim plugin nnn.vim
- macOS fixes
   - Fix issues with file copy, move, remove
   - Handle Del in rename prompt
   - Pass correct file option to identify mime
- Support selection across directories and contexts
- Offer option force before file remove
- Keys Tab, ^I to go to next active context
- Per-context directory color specified by $NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS
   - Option -c is removed
- Option -C to disable colors
- Choose script to run from a script directory
- Run a command (or launch an application)
- Run file as executable (key C)
- Documentation on lftp integration for remote file transfers
- Support a combined set of arguments to $EDITOR, $PAGER and $SHELL
- Handle > 2 GB files on 32-bit ARM
- Env var $DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV to disable file open on Right or l
- NUL-terminated file paths in selection list instead of LF
- Better support for Termux and Cygwin environments
- Remapped keys
   - ^I - go to next active context
   - ^T - toggle navigate-as-you-type

Downstream changes:
- Patch is integrade upstream and no longer needed.

Tested on:
- Debian 9.6 amd64
- NetBSD 8.0 amd64
- Void Linux amd64
- CentOS 6 amd64


Attachment: nnn-2.2.patch
Description: Binary data

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