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Re: undefined PLT symbol

I can't use your makefile as is without extra changes.
it might be easier if you added the full thing to pkgsrc-wip:

I fail very early in configure with just the makefile and no patches.

cmake initially says some things are disabled for me, so maybe it
resulted in a non-working configuration.

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 09:33:17AM +0200, Fekete Zoltán wrote:
> error:navit:plugin_load:can't load
> '/usr/pkg/lib64/navit/map/', Error
> '/usr/pkg/lib64/navit/map/ Undefined PLT symbol
> "attr_search" (symnum = 2)'

lib64 sounds unlikely. in linux it's common to have this prefix, so
maybe it's hard coded somewhere.

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