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Re: Can we make gfortran the default Fortran?

On 01/01/18 13:45, David Holland wrote:
On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 11:25:30AM -0600, Jason Bacon wrote:
  > 3. I'm unclear about the meaning of "The minimum version inferred from the
  > language tag will be combined with any GCC_REQD declarations to find a
  > minimum version for a specific package. If that is greater than
  > PKGSRC_GCC_VERSION (programs using only C) or PKGSRC_GXX_VERSION, package
  > building will fail."


  - the package says USE_LANGUAGES+=c++03
  - the package says GCC_REQD=4.8

The minimum gcc version for c++03 is (I forget, but let's pretend it's
4.2); combining this with 4.8 makes 4.8 the minimum required version.

If PKGSRC_GXX_VERSION is 4.7, meaning the gcc version we're using for
C++ is 4.7, the build will abort, because we're using 4.7 but the
package needs 4.8. If PKGSRC_GXX_VERSION is 5.0, the build won't fail
and we'll compile with 5.0.
OK, so this is a feature designed to avoid mixing g++ versions? That would seem prudent...

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