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Request for removal : net/snort-rules

Hi tech-pkg,

I know I'm late on this one, but I'm trying my luck anyway : does someone still uses net/snort-rules ?
I believe we can get rid of it : 
- snort is now version 2.9, I'm not even sure the rules in net/snort-rules are still compatible ;
- net/pulledpork provides this functionality (e.g. getting the rules) and even better (e.g. updating the rules without updating the package) ;
- net/snort-rules has not been updated since 2012 ;
- in order to be efficient, net/snort-rules should be updated very often (at least once a week, I think) ;
- GPL rules archive on the Snort website does not change its name and has no version number (not very handy to update).

Any thoughts ?



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