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Re: Updating both Perl and Perl Modules from a binary repository

On Thu, 19 Apr 2012 22:33:41 +0900, Edgar Fuß <> 

What does "pkg_add -u perl p5-Foo p5-Bar" say?
I don't remember exactly, but in essence "this doesn't work".
I think, it was that it couldn't install perl-5.14 because p5-* depended on 
perl<5.14. And it couldn't update p5-Foo because that would imply updating perl 
from 5.12 to 5.14, whereas p5-Bar depended on perl<5.14.
My impression was that pkg_add failed to realise that if if would do *all* the 
updates at once, the result would be consistent, but bailed out because there 
was no path of *gradually* performing the updates that would, in each step, 
keep the dependencies fulfilled.

How about use `-UD' instead of `-u'?

OBATA Akio /

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