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Re: FireFox 10.0.1 pkg for testing

On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 18:29:03 +0900, Martin Husemann 
<> wrote:

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:59:01AM +0900, OBATA Akio wrote:

Not tested yet, but are there any reason why system cairo, pixman and libvpx
(from pkgsrc) are still not acceptable for firefox?
I did not touch anything I don't understand - the pkg is way more complicated
than what I understand pkgsrc-wise. I'll be happy to test changes, if you
have concrete patches.
In xulrunner/, replace --disable-system-cairo & 
with --enable-system-cairo & --enable-system-pixman and add 
then add buildlink with graphics/cairo/buildlink.mk3 and 
(yasm requirement in www/firefox will not be required)

OBATA Akio /

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