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Re: Packages without DESTDIR support

2009/12/9 Joerg Sonnenberger <>:
> Hi all,
> has a list of all packages that currently lack DESTDIR support.
> Please help with reducing that less as far as possible.

I thought I'd pick something simple from wm/ (olwm) but ended up down
the rabbit hole which was xview.
Amusingly enough olwm didn't require any patch changes at all, but
fixing xview-{config,lib,clients} resulted
in the contents of my head being spread evenly over every surface in
the room... :)

Assuming we can cut across before every package is converted, what
would people consider the 'critical' packages which would need to work
from the outstanding list?

Personally I would have to say lang/pear and its */pear-* dependencies
for various PHP based apps. How about other people?

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