The only justification is to save tool developers from having to derive it.The overhead is about 5 lines of code in C including error checking.
Please. Have a look at pkg_summary(5) and see, for example, PKGNAME and PKGPATH entries for apache and php-mysql :
apache has 3 versions, apache 1.3.x, apache-2.0 and apache-2.2, here an easy way of detecting which apache is to be installed is to use its PKGPATH name (apache, apache2, apache22). Of course I could ask the user but that would compromise an automatic mode.
For php-mysql (4 and 5 being present) and similar packages, it's the contrary, their PKGPATH do match, but their PKGNAME are different.
I'm working on those issues right now, and I can assure you this kind of package discovery is _not_ a 5 lines of code overhead.
Anyway, I'll have to handle this -and more, have a look at unmatching REQUIRES/PROVIDES and RESTRICTED packages not being flagged on pkg_summary(5)- so my tools is usable on NetBSD 4+.
regards, ---------------------------------------- Emile "iMil" Heitor <> _ ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) - against HTML email X & vCards / \