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Re: Using cpuflags in pkgsrc

On May 7,  5:44am, David Brownlee wrote:
}       Currently using cpuflags in pkgsrc involves adding
}       .sinclude "/usr/pkg/share/mk/"
}       to /etc/mk.conf, at which point it will happily set the
}       compiler flags to target the current CPU.
}       Unfortunately, if a package requires a different gcc version
}       (qemu on NetBSD 4 or later is a good example), or the user
}       has set GCC_REQD this fails as the include
}       happens before is processed. (PR pkg/24811)
}       Thw following (when combined with a pkgsrc tree containing
}       cpuflags 1.35 or later) allows the user to set USE_CPUFLAGS=yes
}       and have include from within the
}       pkgsrc tree.
}       An installed cpuflags is still useful to someone using,
}       or just compiling software outside of pkgsrc, so it can still
}       be included in the normal fashion.
}       This dual usage of does feel a little awkward
}       (read: trying to be too clever)
}       What do people think?
} -- 
}               David/absolute       -- No hype required --
} Index: mk/
} ===================================================================
} RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/mk/,v
} retrieving revision 1.68
} diff -u -r1.68
} --- mk/    20 Oct 2008 20:44:49 -0000      1.68
} +++ mk/    20 Jan 2009 17:30:37 -0000
} @@ -155,6 +155,12 @@
}   .  endif
}   .endfor
} +# If USE_CPUFLAGS is set, include from within the pkgsrc tree
} +#
} +.if defined(USE_CPUFLAGS) && ${USE_CPUFLAGS} == "yes"
} +. include "../devel/cpuflags/files/"

     Shouldn't this be .sinclude?

} +.endif
} +
}   .if defined(ABI) && !empty(ABI)
}-- End of excerpt from David Brownlee

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